Marriage is beautiful and like any plant needs a lot of nurturing. John M. Gottman talks about how there is strength in knowledge in his book call, The Seven principles for Making Marriage work. How well do we know our partners? Do we know the basics of their lives or the specifics? We all want a partner that knows what we like and what we don’t, what makes us happy or stressed and the list goes on. Gottman describes the importance of knowing about each other’s lives, which he described as a love map. He said, “From knowledge springs not only love but the fortitude to weather marital storms. Couples who have detailed love maps of each other’s world are far better prepared to cope with stressful events and conflict.” Marriage is difficult and unexpected struggles arise. However, how much easier would it be to work as a team if both couples knew how to best help the other in times of stress. Marriage should not always be stressful but enjoyable as well. It is our jobs to make it that way by first prioritizing our time with our partner. Me and my husband make date night every Friday night a must. Unless there is an emergency everything else gets pushed to the next day. We take turns planning the dates and we make getting to know the other fun. Some date night ideas are camping, going for a walk, going out for dinner, or a hike. Anything is better then nothing when it comes to dating your part
Along with getting to know each other, Gottman also talks about nurturing your fondness and admiration with your spouse. He said, “Having a fundamentally positive view of your spouse and your marriage is a powerful buffer when bad times hit.” Our partners are not perfect, and neither are we. If for some reason we have negative views of our partner, then we need to humble ourselves and talk to them about it. For me I try to be humble by constantly recognizing my faults and constantly trying to become better. Our partners should be the only one that we tell our concerns about our marriages and relationship to. How would we ever be able to build happy marriages if we always speak poorly about the other and our marriage to everyone else? I am far from having a perfect marriage, but I try everyday to have a positive view of my husband and our marriage. If something is wrong, we talk about it and fix it. Marrion G. Romney one said, “Sometimes the twists and turns of life are the straight and narrow path.” We need to go through bitter experiences like Adam and Eve so that we don’t take for granted the sweet ones. We need to cherish our spouses and always let them know that we love and appreciate them.
I thought I would add a few date pictures. It was hard to chose from because we have gone on so many date. I absolutely look forward to date night every week and you should too.