Thursday, May 16, 2019

Always give 100%

As the world is changing its views on marriage it is important to still be a defender of it. Most importantly we need to live and strive for an eternal marriage and not settle for a contractual one. Elder Bruce C. Hafen explained the difference between the two very clearly. Those who are in a contractual marriage stay in if for as long as they want. They have the option to walk away at any time when difficulties arise. Having a way out and possibly divorcing the other is the best way in their minds to find happiness. That does not seem like the way God intended marriage to be. Marriage is not a workout routine where if it gets to difficult because we are out of shape, pushed ourselves to hard, or we have had enough, that we can give up and end it. Marriage is supposed to be hard, however, a couple will never grow to love, trust and support the other if they do not have an eternal perspective. How could they, if their marriage has multiple “expiration dates” in mind.
On the other hand, partners in a covenant marriage do whatever they can to work through trials and challenges no matter how difficult. They know that they have made a sacred promise to God and they are going to keep that promise. Covenant keeping partners are in no way perfect, however, they are not about to run away when life gets tough. They are going to try to learn and grow from hard experiences together with God. Elder Hafen also said, “Contract companions each give 50 percent; covenant companions each give 100 percent.” Everyone deserves a partner that will constantly try to give them 100 percent and vice versa.Giving 100% means not being selfish, always thinking of your partners needs as well, and constantly trying to improve and nurture the relationship. Life is hard, but it can be more enjoyable knowing you have a partner to go through it with. One of our jobs to do on this earth is to find joy and happiness. Unfortunately, like Adam and Eve they did not know true joy without knowing about misery.
Adam and Eve were the first people on this earth and because of them we are also here. Men and woman are both unique and irreplaceable. Elder Bednar said, “The man and the woman contribute differently but equally to a oneness and unity that can be achieved in no other way. The man completes and perfects the woman and the woman competes and perfects the man as they learn from, strengthen, and bless each other.” If a couple like Elder Bednar mentioned, learned from, strengthen, and blessed the other then they would be able to have a more successful companionship. We need each other and cannot worry about worldly things but eternal ones.

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