Being faithful to our spouses is not a suggestion but should be a requirement if we want a healthy and happy marriage. Kenneth W. Matheson stated that, “Fidelity includes refraining from physical contact—but that is not all. Fidelity also means complete commitment, trust, and respect between husband and wife. Inappropriate interactions with another person can erode fidelity.” We should never put ourselves in a situation where we might not be faithful to our spouse. When both couples are committed only to each other it creates a unity and trust. In my extended family I have witnessed many of them who have had unfaithful partners. Their lives became very difficult and stressful because of this. However, my husbands’ parents are perfect examples in our life of what a faithful committed couple looks like. Because of this me and my husband trust in the other and if something were to come up, we would talk about it with the other. Communication is extremely important in marriage so that you both know you are on the same page.
Aside from being faithful and intimate in our conversations, physical intimacy is also essential in marriage. Sean E. Brotherson shared that, “It has been said marriage is the school of love, and it is certain that a committed, caring marriage relationship is absolutely the best environment to learn the intricacies of sexual expression and intimacy.” Sometimes we may ask ourselves if physical intimacy really is that important. Brotherson goes on to say, “I believe it is important for a variety of God-ordained reasons, but particularly because it is a reminder of the need to give of ourselves in marriage to our spouse.” We need to be aware of our partners needs mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. There is a reason God commanded that physical intimacy should be saved until after we are married. It is a special way to really bond and become close with our partner and show them that we love and trust them. Brent A. Barlow shares, “Little things—thank yous, compliments, and I love yous—are important. When these “little” elements are added to a marriage, sexuality becomes more meaningful and an expression of deep love. Without these “extras,” sexual intimacy can become that which is ultimately satisfying to neither the husband nor the wife.” It is the little things that make the difference in every part of a marriage. I know when my husband goes out of his way to thank me, compliment me or say I love you, I feel appreciated and happier. When both partners are content, they are more prepared to face life’s challenges and can enjoy life in general more. May we always stay faithful to our spouse, make physical intimacy a way to strengthen our marriage, and look for the little things in our marriages.
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